Friday, January 4, 2013

One Word 2013 ~ Enjoy

I can't believe how excited I am to be writing this post for you guys!

It's been awhile since I've posted and the last few blogs have been kind of dark. But, they were honest and what was on my mind at the time, so that's what you guys got.

However, those of you who know me, know I'm not typically a depressing person. I have been depressed for about a year now, struggling with my anxiety and sadness. It's my life and I don't think any medication or therapy can fix it. However, I won't let it define me anymore.

What I can do is learn to live with it and push it back as much as possible. I know, not conventional at all, but I've tried everything and I think this is all that's honestly going to work. Which brings me to the excitement part of this post.

I was reading one of the blogs that I follow called All My Arrows. She posted about a yearly challenge called One Word 2013 in her post.

At first, I was like, "Great, another challenge for the New Year. I can't even manage to post regularly let alone complete some challenge."

However, after I rad what it was about, I realized I don't have to make a button for my blog (I don't even know how to properly work my twitter account. P.S. Here's my Twitter page and my Facebook.), and I don't have to go by the "rules" whatever they may be.

I just simply have to remember one word throughout the year.

You see, instead of resolutions and goals, you choose a word- one word- as your mantra for the year.

I figured it would take me forever to find my one word that encompasses all of my goals for this year. As I was driving the kids to school this morning, I was looking at the frost on the landscape and thinking, "I used to really enjoy the most simple things- like frost. Why can't I ENJOY anything any-  Oh my gosh! Enjoy! That's my word!"

When I get stressed over finances, kids, relationships, get caught up in the moment, or let worry take over my thoughts instead of me focusing on what's in front of me, I simply remind myself to ENJOY what's going on.

It sounds kind of cheesy, but It changed my view on things already. I enjoyed the frost, the slow traffic so I could take advantage of the conversations with the kids in the car, Sawyer taking forever to get his show-and-tell out of his bag because he was so excited, and Sofie taking the long way from the car to the front porch to discover why the ground crunched.

I've already seen an improvement in my attitude and mindset. So, needless to say, I'm pretty stoked!

So, what's your word for the New Year?! I can't wait to hear!

Happy pondering-


  1. Mine has to be "Action!" As in lights, camera, get my ass off the couch and stop putting ______ off or dwelling on the past.
    Instead of always lamenting how it was better when or thinking of all the things I'd like to do, I'm just doing them. Sounds simple, but I can be such an unmotivated procrastinator. Action has got to be better than just talking or thinking about it, right?

    1. Action is a great one! That may actually be a back up word for me now. I tend to be the exactly the same way. Life changes and we can't go back, but at the same time, we can't change anything without doing. Good luck and I'm glad you're taking this challenge. It seems simple enough, right? Haha! We'll see!
