Monday, February 23, 2015

50 Facts About Me

Seeing as it's another freezing, dreary day here in Arkansas, I figured this would be a great day to share random facts about myself. It's always weird (and difficult) coming up with these facts, but I'll do the best that I can!

1. I am a sibling and an only child. (This is what happens when you have a half-sister from your mom, and you are the only child of your dad.) Never thought about it like that? Well, now you can't stop.

2. I can sing Silent Night in German thanks to my high school choir director. (Hey, there, Mr. Street!)

3. Yes, I was a choir nerd in school, and yes, I can sing. In fact, I sing unapologetically on the treadmill every morning.

4.  My favorite season is whichever is the next one coming up. By the time a season rolls around, I've already celebrated it in my head, so I move on to the next.

5. I have impeccable aim when I play trash can basketball. But heaven forbid I ever get a goal when shooting a real basketball.

6. I have created a strategy guide in my head about eating at a buffet to maximize the experience, and I always follow it.

7. I LOVE shiny things, whether it's glitter, ice, or tail lights in the fog. I can literally sit and stare at anything shiny for an unreasonable amount of time. It's almost caused me to wreck more than once.

8. I hate being alone. Can't stand it. I thrive best when there are other people around. I'm a scary person left to myself.

9. I love to talk. It doesn't matter if I know you or not, once I'm comfortable around you (which takes around 15 minutes if you aren't super creepy), I just don't shut up. This is especially true when I'm watching a movie, so sorry to friends and family that have to deal with that. 

10. I get overstimulated easily by television shows and movies. I'm known to take breaks during the viewing so I can calm down and reel in my emotions. Which brings me to...

11. I am extremely empathetic. No, I'm not bragging, because I don't see it as a good thing. I have very few negative people in my life for this reason. If there's an extremely heavy conversation that happens, I love listening and sharing advice or my own stories, but I have to have a short period of meditation afterwards to shake the feelings of the person I'm speaking to out of my system. It's weird, but I guess it happens. 

12. I'm a genealogy enthusiast and have tracked my family's heritage back to the 1500's.

13. I had a recurring nightmare for a year after watching Stephen King's The Stand. I didn't sleep longer than 30 minutes at a time the first week because I was so terrified. I still haven't watched the movie in its entirety again.

14. Sudden, loud noises make me extremely angry. Screaming, gun shots, hammers, etc... 

15. I'm obsessed with essential oils. Love me some lavender.  

16. I was an extreme germophobe from the age of 10-17. If I thought someone was sick, I would hold my breath until I wasn't around them. If they touched the top of my cup, I wouldn't use it. This is hilarious considering the fact that my house was a mess because of mom's hoarding. 

 17. When I meet you, I'll treat you like my best friend until you give me a reason not to. I just don't see why I should hold back if I have no reason to not trust or like you.

18. I'm color blind. No, that does not mean that I only see black and white. It means that I can't tell what some colors are. I can clearly tell primary colors, but when colors start mixing to make other colors, all bets are off. There was an ongoing dispute between Josh and myself about our couches one time. Apparently our couches were green, I thought they were brown. It's like, WHY did no one tell me?! How could they let me but green couches. Now I have to ask everyone else what color something is before I buy anything. And it's an ongoing game with my family. "What color is this, Heather? Nope! It's this color!" I am not amused.

19. Next January, Josh and I will have been married for a decade. That blows my mind.

20. I always forget that I'm 4'11... Until someone rests their arm on my head. 

21. I've had nail polish on my toes every single day for 17 years.

22. I just had to use a calculator to figure that out because I'm terrible at math.

23. If I know you really well, I'll sing my conversation to you instead of speaking it.

24. I always come up with song parodies in my head, and I'm happy to report that has been passed down genetically to both of my kiddos.

25. I love cats. If God-forbid something tragic ever happened to Josh, I would never remarry. I would use the life insurance to adopt as many cats as possible and I would enjoy being ignored (except for feeding time) time by all of my new furry friends.

26. I love storms. I'm terrified of them, but I love them. Does that even make sense?

27. My favorite comfort food is Pepsi, Oreos, and ice cold almond milk.

28. Clutter drives me insane. As in, I cease to function. I'll mope around in a helpless daze until it's gone.

29. I obsess over money. I have to know down to the penny how much is in the bank at all times. It's not that I obsess over how to get more money, I just need to know that we have enough. Checking the bank is the first thing I do when I wake up and the last thing I do before I go to bed. I have gotten somewhat better since Josh has been handling our money, but the fear is always there.

30. I whole-heartedly believe in ghosts. I can't explain what they are or where they come from, but I know they exist, and they scare the fire out of me. 

31. The house that I grew up in is extremely haunted and is one of the most terrifying places to be alone.

33. I love shooting guns, and I'm a pretty good aim. Remember that if you ever try to break into our house.

34. When I was little, all I would eat at buffets were ham cubes, shredded cheese, and any kind of shrimp they had. 

35. I love climbing trees. In fact, when Josh was in Iraq, I would climb the oak tree in my backyard to write him his letters.

36. I used to give rides to strangers until a little old man turned down my offer for a lift and scolded me for 15 minutes about how dangerous it was. Then I had to promise him that I would never do it again. I haven't.

37. My cousin and I dressed up as Claude and Claudette (the mascots for a local festival in town) one year. It was hot, miserable, and kids threw rocks at us. BUT, we got free t-shirts that said STAFF, so it was worth it.

38. Josh and I used to sing on a praise team at church, and I desperately miss it.

39. I will eat sour candy until my mouth peels from it. I did this just the other day. Nothing tastes right still.

40. I have discussions and pep talks with inanimate objects if they aren't doing what I want them to.

41. The only Disney Princesses I ever pretended to be were Pocahontas and Belle. I may still do this from time to time.

42. I love lists. I have about 15 ongoing  lists stored in my phone. These aren't counting the lists I have in my notebook that I carry with me.

43. I love notebooks. I have a terrible memory, so I have to write down more things than the average person. I recently purged about 10 notebooks that were full of random lists and memos to myself. I made a pledge to only use one at a time from now on. 

44. My sister and I are extremely close, even when we fight.

45. I would rather pay a person to scratch my back than to massage it.

46. I have had an unhealthy crush on Bruce Willis ever since I saw him in The Fifth Element.

47. I don't sleep at all when I know Josh isn't going to be home. 

48. If I could go back to 16 year old me, I would hug the crap out of her, and then smack her upside the head.

49. When I'm mad at someone, I'm known for forgetting about it within an hour. I can't stay mad at people.

50. I have the life that I always dreamed of when I was little.
That. Is. Awesome.

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