Thursday, December 5, 2013

Monster Mom

Yesterday was a rough day between parents and kids at our home. 
It was one of those days where you can see yourself becoming a train wreck, yet you can't stop yourself. 
Then you go to bed feeling upset, embarrassed, and guilty.  
This morning I read an entire parenting bible plan in 10 minutes and every single verse hit me in my gut. Especially:  
"Love is always supportive, loyal, hopeful and trusting."

Wow. Gut punch. 

I was tearing my children down, betraying their trust in their mom. I was doubtful of their future, and broke any trust they had in me. 
Today is going to be different. Bad habits are hard to break, but breaking this one is crucial. 
I tell you all this embarrassing behavior because I absolutely know I'm not alone. Some days we feel like we're drowning. Some days we feel like we're making mistakes left and right as parents. Some days it feels as though we're losing a war in our homes. 
Parents, we are. 
There is nothing more satisfying to evil than to see families at war with each other. 
The change in our families starts with us. 
I could sit here and preach all day, but I may be the worst offender out there. I will fail some days, but the important thing is that I try. 
Try with me will you, friends?
Our kids have a lifetime to hear what's wrong with them. They'll learn about the cruelty in the world soon enough. Let's create a haven at home for them where they feel safe to talk and express their feelings. 
Challenge yourselves. Challenge your spouse. Challenge your children. 
Because at the end of the day when things get hard, it's your family against the world. 

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