Hello, friends!
It looks as though we've made it through the week!
Give yourself a pat on the back.
I'm currently sitting here in my hogs shirt and ball shorts, sipping my coffee, trying to decide what this day has in store for me.
Luckily, I have my handy-dandy Homemaker Bible that I made handy, so I can consult it when I get lost in my head.
Well, "What is that Bible you speak of?", you ask?
It's not actually a bible, but it's my second go-to book when I need encouragement or direction. Just about every wife I've spoken with has some sort of back up system for their families in case they are sick or have to travel. My binder in particular has billing information, recipes for food and cleaning products, our daily schedule, our monthly schedule, etc... It's pret-ty handy if you ask me! I also organize our holiday schedules and lists in there as well. It's the one-stop-shop for all things for the Cook Household.
I'm thinking of selling the starter kit that includes cleaning recipes, our favorite recipes, as well as financial folders, and varied tabs. At least I will if there's interest!
So, I suppose I will need to get on with the picture taking to help you understand exactly what I mean.
The rest of my day will be filled with sloppy joes, cookie baking, and some Thanksgiving history lessons.
Sawyer has been completing all of his lessons by 11:30, so that has given us the rest of the day to freestyle our homeschooling schedule. By the way, I AM still working on that post. It's kind of emotional and I would like to write it without dragging his teacher through the mud.
That part is hard though. Anyways, I haven't forgotten!
My dear husband is currently sitting in the cold, dark woods waiting to kill a deer. We've talked about me going out with him at some point, but I really don't think I could shut up long enough for him. Maybe I cold just text him the whole time. Ha!
So, that's all the rambling I have currently.
What are your plans to kick-off the weekend?
Have a happy Friday, folks!
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