My husband and I were both in bad moods, we both yelled at the kids because of it, and there were half-hearted "I love you's" as he left for work.
So what set off this cataclysmic morning?
I forgot to go grocery shopping.
Isn't it funny how the smallest thing, like not having cereal in the house, can set a tone for the day?
Let me explain.
My husband asks only two things of me.
Two...That's it.
He asks for clean laundry and a full belly.
Seriously, the house can be a wreck, the kids can be running wild (within reason), and the gas tank can be empty, but he's perfectly fine to go with the flow as long as these two needs are met.
I, on the other hand, have many demands that change daily, and the poor man must keep up or there will be hell to pay.
This morning, as I was posting a loving picture on Facebook of a coffee mug that he got me while he was gone over the weekend, a knot formed in my stomach as I remembered that I had forgotten to get cereal at the store yesterday.
We had gone to walmart, so it should have jogged my memory, but we had decided to finally get the kids a trampoline (which my husband set up basically by himself, in the heat, just an hour after he got home, with no complaining), and I was so into the buying of the trampoline that I forgot.
Plain and simple.
So cut to this morning, I had to fess up that the only thing we had to eat or breakfast, was instant grits.
Well, it didn't go over so well and thus today's tone was set.
So, as I'm sitting here staring at this coffee mug that A) he went out of his way to get for me and B) he had remembered the mugs that I had specifically pointed out, I feel like an absolute jerk.
Some people could look at this situation and feel sorry for me (I sure did at first) and think that I was right in this situation, but no, I was wrong.
Here's the thing: I'm the CEO of Cook household management. It's my JOB to remember the cereal. It would be the same as Josh forgetting to go to work one day and then saying, "Oh, sorry, I forgot that was on my list of to-do's."
Do you see my point yet?
I was sitting there expecting sympathy for me not doing my job. Right?
How well would that fly in the outside world?
Yeah, it wouldn't.
So here I am, feeling horrible because I wasn't organized enough to have a weekly menu planner and I didn't make use of my time wisely. I even have a Pinterest board specifically for these purposes, and I vow every week that if these women can do it, then so can I!
Then when it doesn't happen, it's a blow to my ego.
Which brings me to my second point: how many of you out there would have known that we had a huge argument this morning had I not posted this blog post?
Probably no one.
I mean, remember? I had just shared with the virtual world about how happy I was because my loving husband got me a pretty present.
I know that I have friends on Instagram and Facebook that I sometime envy because their lives seems more out together than mine.
But what are they not saying?
Probably the same things that I'm not saying.
So sweet, friends, when you have a morning/afternoon/evening that resembles mine, please remember that it happens to all of us.
Today, I'm going to the grocery store to get cereal (because I love knowing my husband's needs are met), and I'm reassuring myself that I am not alone in the daily mess of things (because I love meeting my own needs as well.)
You are loved. Absolutely and forever loved. I love you, your spouse loves you, but most importantly, God loves you... Despite the mess and forgetfulness.
So pull up your boot straps and march through the day with confidence!
Oh, and don't forget to get the cereal!
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