Since every numbskull in America had an opinion, coupled with the fact that I'm in a terribe mood, I figured I should share my view as well.
It's absolutely no secret that I could give a crap less about who sleeps with who as long as they're in a committed, loving relationship. I've been very blunt about that in the past.
It's also not a secret that I love the people of Duck Dynasty. I've also been blunt about that.
So here I sit trying to decide how I feel about it all.
It's no surprise to me that Phil Robertson had his opinion on homosexuality. Like, no surprise at all. What DID surprise me was how crass Phil made his opinion sound when he put it out to the world.
Putting the whole "a sin is a sin" thing to the side, let's look at the fact that he lumped homosexuality in with beastiality.
These, in my opinion, are nothing in the same.
"But, Heather! They're both so perverse!", you say.
I know heterosexual couples who could put the most seasoned hookers to shame with how perverse they are in their bedroom.
Shall we lump them in with bestiality?
"But, Heather! They're SINNING!"
Okay, I'm not of any authority (and get off your pedestal, cause neither are you) to go around pointing fingers at what is sin and what isn't because I live and sin EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
I am not perfect and neither are you, so we should leave it up to The One who is Perfect, yes?
"But, Heather! I'm saving their eternal lives! I'm saving them from going wayward!"
I've said it time and time again, it's my job to focus on a person's salvation, not their sin. As a Christian I am to witness to others about Jesus and God.
Let's break that down.
Witness to others about God... To me, this means I am to experience miracles and blessings in my life and then share with others what I have WITNESSED to show them proof that in my life, God has made a huge difference.
Does sin-shaming fall anywhere in that category?
That's a big, profound NOPE.
Okay, okay. Stepping off my soapbox here.
Put yourself in their shoes. Like, really. Really, really think about how you would feel as you were scrolling through your feed and saw people you loved and people who were your friends, rabidly telling the world they think that you were the very same as murders, child rapists, etc.
I simply couldn't stomach myself if I treated someone else that way. I would be ashamed.
But, hey, that's just me.
As far as Duck Dynasty goes, I'll continue watching, I'll continue liking the family, just like I continue to love you all, regardless of the fact that I disagree with you sometimes.
Here's where I should insert some wonderful clincher about how we should examine ourselves and love one another, but I feel it may be wasteful. So I'm just stopping... Now.