I have to take a minute to describe Sawyer before I go any further. I hope I don't seem like I'm bragging, but I'm just in awe of this child. Josh and I can take very little credit for who he is becoming. Of course we've raised him, but he was born with this intense thirst for knowledge and his perspective on the world would have philosophers thinking, "Huh, I hadn't thought of it that way."
We often have conversations that are equivalent with adults and he taught himself to read (with some help of course) by age three. He reads Josh's MicroBiology and Anatomy books. He knows how to get on Google and type in what he wants to learn about, then find the articles and reads them. I have moments where I forget that he's four.
So when the decision to send him to preschool came up, we decided that he needed to be a bit more socialized (not that it's really a problem, he fits in with any age group that he's around) and he needed to get used to a classroom setting.
I was honestly fine with it, until the day before school started. I had a full-blown, honest-to-God panic attack. I was going to miss all of those moments where he taught ME about the world, the funny quips that he would come up with, the morning snuggles, you know- all of the good stuff. But, I knew what was best for him, and that was preschool. Fortunately, he got the most awesome teacher who not only was patient with him, but she teaches him the life-lessons that I would have. She values him as an individual... not just another child in the classroom. She tells me stories about him and she loves him. I couldn't be happier with our decision. It's rare to find a teacher like Mrs. Jolena. The kind of teacher who understands the magic in children and who appreciates them as PEOPLE, not just kids.
So, the morning of school, I had cried all that I could cry the day before, so all that was left was excitement. We snapped some pictures and off we went. I caught a video of him and when we got to school, he had no problem letting us go... just as we expected.
It was a long day waiting for 2:45 to roll around and I don't think I could have gotten in the car any faster. We get to the school, and he threw a FIT because he had to go home.... just as we expected.
He's doing great now, and Jolena has him help her out by reading to the class. He helps the other students with their work and when they're having disagreements, he steps in to help.
All of the kids love him and they all yell "Good-bye" to him when he leaves and some even come give hugs or fist bumps.
Don't put limits on your children. Let them surprise you with what they can do. Listen to them (REALLY listen) and see what their take on the world is. I believe that children are some of the best teachers in the world. I know I've been "schooled" by my two many times. Kiddos are people. They are better people than adults in my eyes. Treat them that way. They only have one childhood, so don't bog it down with anger, stress, and worry. Just love them.
*Steps down from soapbox*
Okay, so here are the pictures we snapped on our first day!
He was so proud of his backpack! |
Um, are you excited, Sawyer? |
Isaiah and Sawyer doing his best "surprised" face. |
Sawyer and Sofie |
All four of us. |
Cousins on their first day! |
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